Phlebotomy Training

While all doctors, nurses and technicians in the medical profession are well trained in the practices of drawing blood from the body for routine tests, phlebotomists are considered to be the pros in this field. They know exactly how they should draw blood samples very easily without causing any discomfort to a patient. Because their profession is to deal with blood samples and specimens, most of the professional phlebotomists require phlebotomy training and certification. In the course of phlebotomy training, candidates are taught how to draw samples and use needles properly. Besides, they are also trained to give due importance to the health of patients and their concerns.

Academics of Phlebotomy Study

There are total 5 distinct areas of phlebotomy study that a student has to master before he can become a certified phlebotomy technician. The 5 major areas include:

·        needle technique
·        human anatomy
·        medical safety
·        record-keeping
·        patient rapport

These skills are extremely important for the profession as these will help in ensuring the comfort of patients and safeguard the integrity of samples too. It is a sign of ensuring good health and overall well-being of patients as well as phlebotomists.

Materials for Phlebotomy Training

Apart from the academic experience and training, phlebotomy students should also obtain experience in using different pieces of equipments, such as syringes of different sizes, bio-hazardous waste containers, dermal puncture equipments, vacuum tubes, bio-hazardous spill kits, bandages, tapes, tourniquets, blood culture bottles and locking arm rests.

Different Programs

There are different programs for phlebotomy training, just like any other medical profession. Phlebotomists must obtain an associate degree course of 2 years or a bachelor’s degree for 4 years in phlebotomy. There are several options for vocational training offered at several community hospitals, colleges and private facilities, which allow students to receive phlebotomy training within a year, or less.

Qualifications for Phlebotomy Training

There are certain qualifications that have been taken into consideration by states. Most states need that phlebotomist-in-training must complete 25 venipunctures, which means blood samples taken from the vein), 5 capillary draws or blood samples taken from ear, finger or any other part of the body to test the level of blood sugar. There are some states that require more than 50 venipunctures too. Therefore, the qualification criteria depend entirely on the residing state.

Examination and Considerations

It is very important to qualify the National Exam of Phlebotomy with good marks. In order to become a certified phlebotomist it is not just good enough to undergo training. It also requires a candidate to go through the exanimation that will determine the final assessment. This examination is offered once in every month at different institutions all over the United States of America.
There are different types of training schools, offering varied phlebotomy training programs. One has to understand the specifications of these programs and choose the best to meet the requirement. Phlebotomy study will include e classroom courses, laboratory courses and hands-on clinical courses. Only eminent medical training schools can offer the best courses.